Young Adults

If you’re an adolescent or young person facing challenges, or if you’re a parent concerned about your child’s well-being and think they might benefit from youth counseling, it’s advisable to initiate the process with a therapist who specialises in working with young individuals and can establish a rapport with them. Christian Acuña, a skilled therapist offering Counselling Services for Men, incorporates a range of therapeutic approaches, including Cognitive-Behaviour Therapy (CBT), Existential Therapy, and Gestalt Therapy, to provide comprehensive support.

Counselling Services for Men by Christian Acuña

Christian Acuña understands the unique needs of adolescents, teenagers, and young adults, typically in their early twenties, who may still reside with their families. These counseling services also extend to families dealing with concerns about their child. Adolescents frequently require assistance in navigating a phase of life where they become more independent and rely less on their families. Christian Acuña employs a holistic approach, drawing on CBT, Existential Therapy, and Gestalt Therapy, to address a wide range of issues.

Today’s young people encounter numerous external factors that contribute to mental health issues and behaviours such as substance abuse, risky sexual conduct, self-harm, and even thoughts of suicide. This can be a challenging period for both parents and young people, often leading to strained or broken relationships. Christian Acuña recognises the significance of these therapeutic modalities in helping individuals and families cope with these challenges effectively.

Christian Acuña’s counseling services can:

  1. Enhance your understanding of the developmental stage your child is going through and the reasons behind their behaviour, drawing from Existential Therapy’s exploration of life’s meaning.
  2. Provide insights into your child’s behaviour, enabling you to respond appropriately through the practical strategies of CBT.
  3. Assist you in regaining parental control and acquiring effective parenting strategies, often aligned with Gestalt Therapy’s emphasis on the present moment and personal responsibility.
  4. Foster open and respectful communication between you and your child, rather than hostility, with the guidance of CBT’s communication skills.
  5. Help identify any substance abuse issues and develop strategies for addressing them, using CBT’s problem-solving techniques.
  6. Support young people in managing social interactions and family issues, with the insights gained from Existential Therapy.
  7. Aid young individuals in making decisions about their post-high school paths, exploring their existential choices.
  8. Facilitate behaviour changes that remove obstacles to opportunities and reduce risky situations, through the practical interventions of CBT.
  9. Address youth mental health concerns by delving into the existential and emotional aspects with Gestalt Therapy.

Do You or Your Child Need Counselling Services for Men by Christian Acuña?

Determining whether your child requires counseling services can be challenging. While some behavioural changes in teenagers can be attributed to hormonal shifts, not all behaviours can be explained this way, and some can be quite risky. Consider Christian Acuña’s counselling services, which integrate the essential components of CBT, Existential Therapy, and Gestalt Therapy, if you observe the following:

  • Your adolescent is distancing themselves from the family or has become estranged, and you seek to understand the existential factors behind their choices.
  • Your child frequently stays at friends’ houses for extended periods or essentially lives with another family, and you wish to explore their emotional responses with Gestalt Therapy.
  • Suspicions of drug or alcohol abuse arise, and you’re uncertain how to address it using CBT’s practical strategies.
  • Your child exhibits personality changes, withdrawal, or disengagement from life, potentially indicating mental health issues that can be explored existentially.
  • Your child associates with a concerning peer group, and you want to understand the existential reasons behind their choices.
  • Skipping school, university, or difficulty holding down a job becomes apparent, and you seek practical solutions from CBT.
  • Your child engages in problematic sexual behaviour or introduces uncomfortable individuals into your home, and you wish to address these issues through Gestalt Therapy.
  • Your child’s mood, behaviour, or attitude is affecting other family members, potentially escalating into physical threats or intimidation, and you seek practical communication skills from CBT.
  • Your child has attempted self-harm or expressed suicidal thoughts, and you want to explore their existential struggles.
  • Constant conflicts with your child or other family members persist, and you desire support to navigate these issues existentially.
  • Your child is struggling to cope with a significant loss, and you want to explore the existential meaning of this experience.
  • Your child has expressed dislike or hatred towards you and a desire for disconnection, and you seek guidance in addressing these emotional dynamics with Gestalt Therapy.

If any of the above issues resonate with you, consider reaching out to Christian Acuña and his counseling services that incorporate CBT, Existential Therapy, and Gestalt Therapy. Early diagnosis and intervention, as with many medical concerns, generally lead to better long-term outcomes. Seek professional support without delay to start seeing positive changes sooner. If your child’s or your own behaviours align with the aforementioned points, do not hesitate to contact Christian Acuña and arrange counseling services.