The information we provide on this website Counselling Services Sydney is offered as general educational content only. The information should not be considered as advice, it should not be used to treat, assess or diagnose a psychological condition, nor should it be used as an alternative to obtaining professional advice from a qualified allied health practitioner, psychiatrist or medical practitioner.
Where information refers to diagnostic categories, tests, or assessments these are provided also as information and for general education only. The results of any online test or assessment or guideline which you consult should not be relied on for self assessment and you should seek the opinion of a professional rather than relying on self-diagnosis.
Assessment of a mental health condition should not be made without proper qualification and you should always seek proper advice from a professional in obtaining a diagnosis or assessment.
Please always consult a professional health care provider about any health concerns you might have for yourself or on behalf of another person.
If at any time you are concerned about your personal safety or the safety of another person please contact your local hospital emergency department, contact emergency services on 000, or contact Lifeline or call 131114 for further assistance. We do not provide an emergency service.
Counselling Services Sydney does not accept any liability for any loss or damage associated with the use of this site.

This site has links to third party sites including sites about mental health and psychology as well as links to sites on other topics. These links are not endorsement by Counselling Services Sydney and we make no guarantee of to the quality or reliability of the information or services provided by these third party sites. We do not accept liability for any loss or damaged associated with the use of these third party sites.
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