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Handsome Men Face in Online Dating

The Challenges Handsome Men Face in Online Dating

Online dating can be a complex landscape, and contrary to popular belief, it’s not always smooth sailing for handsome men. Insights from a study titled “Computational Courtship: Understanding the Evolution of Online Dating through Large-scale Data Analysis,” conducted by Rachel Dinh, Patrick Gildersleve, Chris Blex, and Taha Yasseri, shed light on the unique difficulties these men encounter.

The Dynamics of Online Dating

The study, which analyzed the mate preferences and communication patterns of male and female users on Eharmony over the past decade, revealed that traditional gender roles still dominate online dating. Men are generally more proactive in initiating conversations and tend to pursue women who rate themselves as highly attractive. This trend has only intensified with the rise of app-based platforms.

Interestingly, the number of men making the first move online has increased dramatically, from 6% in 2008 to 30% in 2018. However, when women initiate contact, they receive 15% less communication than men, indicating a persistent expectation for men to lead in online dating interactions.

Attractiveness and Communication Patterns

Handsome men, who often rate themselves highly on attractiveness scales, tend to be more confident in their selection process, sending more messages to women who also rate themselves highly. However, the study found that women are less focused on looks compared to men. Men with a self-rated attractiveness score of 5-9 receive more messages than those who score a perfect 10, suggesting that extreme attractiveness might not be as advantageous as it seems.

Moreover, the study highlighted that self-identifying as ‘sexual’ is a major turn-off for both genders, leading to fewer messages overall.

Shifting Preferences and Predictors of Success

Despite these traditional dynamics, online daters have become more progressive in other areas. Both men and women are now less concerned with the income or education level of a potential partner. However, they remain polarized by habits such as smoking, with 58% finding it unimportant and 40% considering it very important. Interestingly, alcohol consumption has become less of a concern for both genders.

Unique Challenges for Handsome Men on Grindr

Grindr, one of the most popular platforms for gay and bisexual men with 13 million monthly active users, presents its own set of challenges. Described by some as a lifeline and by others as a “crash course” in objectification, Grindr has significantly influenced how gay men connect.

Grindr allows users to chat with other gay and bisexual men in their immediate area, often leading to meetups for sex. For many younger users, Grindr acts as the first glimpse into the “gay world,” especially in areas without a large gay community. However, this early exposure can also lead to feelings of objectification and self-worth tied to attractiveness.

The app’s focus on sharing photos, often sexual, can create a high-pressure environment where handsome men might feel commoditized. This objectification can lead to experiences of racism and discrimination, as users can be filtered out based on ethnicity and other characteristics.

The Evolution of Online Dating

The future of online dating is uncertain, and platforms like Grindr are continuously evolving to meet user needs. Despite its reputation as a hookup app, Grindr surveys suggest that 43% of its users are looking for relationships, and 61% use it to make friends. The app is also exploring AI to improve user matching and adding features to support dating-specific interactions.

Commentary from Researchers

Dr. Taha Yasseri, who led the study, noted, “Online dating will only continue to grow as an industry, yet already it’s able to provide a rich corpus of social data that documents our shared quest for human relationships in unprecedented detail and scale.”

Rachel Dinh, the lead author of the report, added, “As online dating is here to stay as the new normal, it’ll become increasingly important for researchers and platforms to work together in order to produce socially valuable research.”


The challenges faced by handsome men in online dating underscore the complexities of modern relationships. While attractiveness can open doors, it also brings its own set of expectations and pressures. As online dating continues to evolve, understanding these dynamics will be crucial in navigating the digital dating world.

If you’re navigating the complexities of online dating and need support, please don’t hesitate to reach out to me at Counselling and Psychotherapy Services for Men. Together, we can work towards building healthier and more fulfilling relationships.

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